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Position:Home>Poetry> A poem? Judge not my friends but read and weep.?

Question: A poem!? Judge not my friends but read and weep!.!?
This days my friends I've made for thee
So gather around me jubilantly
Raise up your Swords, Your shields, Your bows
Lift up our banners and yell at the foes
This day your masters you have met

This is a throwaway!. Keep it or throw it!. I dont care!.
And on this ground your blood will set
Run you chickens, Run and see
This day will be our victoryWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Judge not my friends, but read and weep
the demented ramblings of this creep
raise up you swords shields and bows,
at common sense thumb your nose!.

This is a throwaway, so thow it do
in the dustbin, down the loo!.
and thus our tormentor he will see
we do not give a fug about he!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

after seeing your absurd questions this poem is even more absurd!.Www@QuestionHome@Com