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Position:Home>Poetry> Wouldn't it be loverly....a poetic sing-song for comment?

Question: Wouldn't it be loverly!.!.!.!.a poetic sing-song for comment!?
For the desk-bound office workers specifically

Would it be loverly!!?
(to be sung to the My Fair Lady Tune of the same name)

All I want is a job somewhere
Far away from the razor gang scare
With a nice ergonomic chair
Oh wouldn’t it be loverly

Lots of access to coffee and tea
With a paper right next to me
And games on my PC
Oh wouldn’t it be loverly

Oh so loverly
To be absolutely bloomin skilled
And spending half my time
Just star-ing
Out from the window sill

Warm and cosy in every way
Such a nice way to earn my pay
Be happy every day
Oh wouldn’t it be loverly, loverly
Loverly, Loverly
Oh wouldn’t it be loverly

** Razor gang - the Bosses with the sharp Budgetary blades who threaten to cut employee levels!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If there are any typos in this it's because of the tears rolling down my face from laughing so much! The cats are slinking away, they think the human has fallen over the edge!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nicely done!.!.!.I think you meant "wouldn't it be loverly" in your title though, right!? I'd also either hyphenate "Razor-gang" or put it in quotes or capitals like a proper name ("razor gang" or Razor Gang)!. I'm not overly familiar with the tune, so I'm not sure if your beats and the length of your word stretches match the original, but they seem to flow pretty good!. All in all it's a good parody poem/song!.

!.!.!.keep writingWww@QuestionHome@Com

A note on the opposite side of the coin - you could have it worse!. The most threatening job - I ever had was working for a Savings & Loan!. An irate customer came in one afternoon!. Seems the company had sent him a notice of foreclosure!. This dude was mad and carrying a shotgun - yelling all over the place - but never let off a shot!. Police came real quick!. They were notifed when the guy got out of his car in the parking lot!. ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh, I have cramps from laughing so hard!. I telecommute, and really have all those things you wish for!. Unfortunately, my pay is very sporadic!. Nonetheless, I am happy with my current job!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Getting to know me
getting to know all about me
when I am with me getting
to know what to say
haven't I told me suddenly
I'm bright and breezy--------------------!.

Jellz, lots a luck! Does not happen, even retired!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jellz does razors well!. Dispatches them to years of toil in straight back wooden chairs! Ah, the dream shatters and the razors appear!.!.!.ugh she says!.!.!.!.this chair is wood! A funny one, this word train you penned!.Www@QuestionHome@Com