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Position:Home>Poetry> Could you please tell me what you think of this poem I just wrote?

Question: Could you please tell me what you think of this poem I just wrote!?
A tree that falls by itself, does it make a sound!?
You would assume so, when the tree's found;
or, so it has been said!.
If I killed myself and nobody knew about it!.!.!.
Would I really be dead!?
After the fact, would the obituary be read!?
Now, what would come to your head!?
"Tomorrow is never promised!."
Perhaps that's true;
Until you wonder!.!.!.
"So, is that a fitting eulogy for me or you!?"
Some may think so, but is it really you!?
You may enjoy the thought, but I don't!.

Some things are missing in everyone's life!.!.!.
Anything missing, is everything really alright!?
You never know until it's shown, do you!?

Yelling truths that people don't believe;
On "myself", a topic that's contradictory!.
Underneath layers of other truths!.

Calling for some ways of proof;
And hoping things could fix themselves!.!.!.
Never do problems solve with a "poof"!.

Hate me all you'd like
Every day
Let yourself, if you want to!.
Praying for better days, is all I can really do or say!.

- J!.M!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Very Deep Meaning Here, I feel you are Expressing Yourself Beautifully!.
Keep up The Good Work,-J!.M!.XWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't hate you, but I didn't care for this at all!. The first line shoots it down right away, for who has not heard that old proverb!. You rhymed, yes, but you also rambled!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I find your ideas confusing and not well explained!. I think you should stick to one idea and expound on that thought!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't really understand it!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com