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Position:Home>Poetry> A poem I wrote tell me how it is?

Question: A poem I wrote tell me how it is!?
Twas a joyous moment when i first met ye
the love of me life was there to be my savior
now thee have vanished into thin air
and my heart is filled with woe
Tis a feeling I could niver imagine
been hurt too many times
Twould be wonderful to forget ye and ye horrible lies
didn't know tis was coming me way
even I knew how ye were
but I learned me lesson now I would never forget
to naver trust a lad to be in me life again
and tis the end of me story!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
rele good!.
are u scottish or irish lol!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Is this from a pirate's perspective, are you writing a poem set in a specific time period or do you actually speak this way!? If not, then I would get rid of all the "twas, ye, thee, tis, twould!.!.!." Poems are usually best written in your own language!. These terms are from a different time period and only work in poetry written in that era!. They distract the reader from the flow and content of the poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com