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Position:Home>Poetry> Scotty and Lottie: Part I, OK so far?

Question: Scotty and Lottie: Part I, OK so far!?
Scotty's discovery

Scotty runs frantic
in leaps and bounds
his white cotton-tail
bobs up and down
excited and breathless
he dives into the den
and knocks down his sister:
Lottie: (Wriggling up, rubbing her elbow) "Scotty! You klutz! Watch where you're goin'!"
Scotty: "Lottie! Lottie! You won't believe what I've found!"
L: "Oh, brother, now what!? Yesterday it was a worm!.!.!."
S: (Whispering) "Lottie, I found!.!.!.!.the gaaaardennn!."
L: "You're not only a klutz, you're nuts!. That was just a bed-time story Mum told us!."
S: "It's real, I'm telling you! There's all sorts of neat treats!"
L: "Prove it then!. I don't believe you!."
S: "I will! I will! There's just one thing!.!.!."
L: (Rolling her eyes) "Here we go!.!.!.another fib!.!.!."
S:(Annoyed and pouting) "There's a guard, Lottie, scared the bejeebus outta me!.!.!.So we'll have to go at night!.!.!."

To be continued!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Funny, maybe change runs to hops on the first line!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This I cannot wait to see!.!.!.!.You are a born story-teller!.
Just like at the Minors (kid's cinema) when Flash Gordon is getting to the most interesting, exciting bit!.!.!.!.it would end!.to be continued!. See you next week kids!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Hysterically funny, I Can't wait to read part!.2"!.
" Very Creative, enjoyed the poetic story a lot!."

Cheers!. : )Www@QuestionHome@Com

I kept wanting to hear the phrase "Beam me up, Scotty"!. Sorry - I'm too much of a Star Trek fan - I'll always react the same way with that name!. LOL ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very funny!.!.!.one suggestion!.!.!.I wanted the word 'antics' up there in the intro, to reinforce 'frantic'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A cliffhanger! What fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I will bet you have Scottish terriers!. This was so funny!. My bad, I thought these were dogs, but they are bunnies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hmm, I await to read who this guard is!. Please do continue!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Animals rule! Love this one, waiting for more!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The bunny invaders strike again, We never know who will try to take over our life! I await the next issue!.Www@QuestionHome@Com