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Position:Home>Poetry> Why me? What about all of the great things that we have?

Question: Why me!? What about all of the great things that we have!?
Why Me!?

Just a visitor passing by struck by life
Blessed with your light to guide me
Trusted to lead ours to the future
Daily doses of inflicted wisdom
Walking the wire to the bitter end
A seeker teacher student believer
Following a path of no resistance
Searching for the pure escape route
Time stops for each moment lost in your arms
Repairing my heart with your kindness
Touched with this gift I have found
Victory comes with each new day
Challenged by self imposed cynicism
Releasing the flood of emotional rain
One look at you and hope returns me
Reality is perception without question
To make you smile with eyes of love
Devotion defined through acts of faith
Desperation drives me to prove my worth
In asking for nothing I obtain everything


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Sounds like "Hot for Teacher!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

You Really Have A Way With Words, Your Insight is amazing!. If I Read This Enough Times!. I Would Actually Believe it was Being Said To Me![ i should be so lucky!. ]Www@QuestionHome@Com
