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Position:Home>Poetry> Good story??? or poem thing.... not a true story tho.. well kinda?

Question: Good story!?!?!? or poem thing!.!.!.!. not a true story tho!.!. well kinda!?
I walk silently into the kitchen writing a heart felt note to my parents saying sorry but I must move on in my life and I've got to get somewhere anywhere but here!. I've got to claim my own name!. So as I sneak back in my parent's room I give them a peck on the cheek then when I grab my bags and walk out the dooor I feel independent !. Something I haven't felt before!. I catch a ride to the airport !. as we ride on by I think back of all the things my parents have done for me!. I will return someday but like I said right now I need time to be on my own!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A poem can be in any structure ,, does not have to rhyme , can be funny , sad , or tell a story !. This is really good !. What I like best about poetry is that it does not have to make sense to anyone but the author and not even to him sometimes !. Think about some of the music today , songwriters just throw words together and tells the band to play loud !.
Oh well , I have wandered off of your question ,
Yes the poem is good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you could turn it into a poem if you work at it!. Right now it consists of a string of thoughts with no structure and hardly any punctuation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really like it!.!.!. it's sort of funny, I've felt like doing that for a while!.

A sense of hopelessness has been holding me back!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would say your parents did too much for you!. You will find out soon that money and rich taste won't last long!. Good Luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I recommend reading something beside People or In Touch or Us Weekly, then come back and try your hand at writing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i feel the same way sometimes

I really like it!.!.!. u r riting a story that has feelings that
lots of ppl have!.!.!.especially me numerous timesWww@QuestionHome@Com

I really like it!!Www@QuestionHome@Com