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Position:Home>Poetry> I want a funny poem to put on my voicemail?

Question: I want a funny poem to put on my voicemail!?
I want a cute funny poem for my voicemail!. Anyone got anything!? It doesn't have to be professional, just playful funny poem!. If it's not your poem, please include the link from which you got the poem!. Thanks?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Sorry, I know you wanted me live
But somehow I even missed ring #5!.
There must be millions of reasons how
I can't answer your call right now!.

In the shower, or still asleep!?
Maybe kicking out some creep,
Cleaning a drink spill in the hall,
Picking out clothes at the mall!.

Won the lotto, went to the Bahamas
Brought fresh napkins to kids and mamas
In fact, it could be anything
That made me let the phone just ring!.

But if my absence doesn't stall you,
Thanks! When I return, I'll call you!
Don't forget, you know this game,
Leave your number and your name!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have never bothered to memorize a funny poem before!. Never heard one, read one, thought about comical poetry, strange, huh!?
Here are two websites that may have a funny poem, but I doubt it!.
