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Question: Mighty hunter!?
Mighty Hunter
by Cynthia S!.

ever, oh, so Gracefully
she stalks the gecko
stalking the bug!.

Wait patiently,
pounce suddenly,
ever, oh, so sheepishly
Find gecko’s tail
Stuck between her teeth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Playtime for Grace

Lizard licking on my mind
Out into the garden
What will I find!?
A simple slippery serpent
Most certainly what I craves
A tail with wagging torso
Love to watch how it behaves
Meow and how, I catch release
I'll not give this
Squirmy plaything peace
Look here Mum I got it
Muffle mumble shake and toss
It's ok he's on the food chain
Please please Mum don't you get cross
I'm happy in the garden
This gecko gives me joy
It's not a living breathing thing
It's just MY little toy!!!

(<- insert evil cat laugh here - moewuhahahhmuahahaha)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I understand this poem is about a lizard hunter, (of some sort!?) but the metering and footing is all off, and almost unconsidered!. The mixture of dirt, lizard, taste of, and the blood I was imagining, mixed with one of the worst poems I have ever read; seriously, almost made me vomit!.
And I am a guy who think lizards are intriguing!. I can only imagine what a woman with a weak gag reflex reactions would be if she read this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I LOVE IT!!! #1 I'm sucha animal fan so I give you a 5 star rating!!! I love it the way you sound like you're stalking and hunting the prey! If animals were to read it they would love to see themeselves on a poem like yours!!! =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Grace, the mighty huntress!. Very visual!. Fun to read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's neat that you actually have geckos!. The only ones - I see - are on TV!. Too bad they really do not have insurance!. With the cats - tail coverage (at least) should be offered!. ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can just picture a mass of tailless geckos - lol!. She's quite the huntress!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Cats are fun to watch in their jungle, A nice read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very nice free verse in my mind!. You could try without the "oh" in both stanzas for flow!. Was it Geoge or Grace!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not too shabby!.Www@QuestionHome@Com