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Position:Home>Poetry> New poem,comments ?

Question: New poem,comments !?
Words be nimble
Words be quick
Words jump like rabbits
Over walking sticks
Plant words
See them grow !?
As a new found words
pop up as flowers
Wonders, ponder
Wearing new shoes
Walking to a venue
Keeping in style
Wearing new hairdos
Andrew cuckoos
Speaking in Hindu
Hebrew, kungfu
Lunch is at Andrews
Talking to lulu
They all step together
All in line
All in show
Holding hands
Showing you new answers
As a carriage train
of words waits
At the station
in deep contemplationWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Not bad!. I'd recommend combining lines though!.!.!.like this:

words be nimble, words be quick
words jump like rabbits over walking sticks

because the short lines tend to be a little too choppy!. Don't worry about your rhymes getting lost internally, because they'll actually flow a little more naturally if you don't make them all end-stopped in the first place!. The center of the poem is a little stiff!.!.!.try extending the lines and see where the hard spot might be!. Have someone read it out loud to you so you can hear what you've actually written (reading out loud to yourself won't work because your brain cheats what you say may not always be what you've actually written!.!.!.it sounds weird, but trust me on this)!.

A good start!.!.!.keep writingWww@QuestionHome@Com

its ok,,,,

its kinda deep,,,
