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Position:Home>Poetry> Posting responses - which approach do you take?

Question: Posting responses - which approach do you take!?
When I post a response, I haven't read the responses of others - (I don't want their opinion to influence me)!.!.!.!.but, quite often I discover some-one has already said, what I am saying, and then I think 'Everyone will believe I am just a parrot'
What do you think is best!? Read others or do as I do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What is the matter with jumping on the bandwagon and trashing some aspiring poet!? lol I am 50/50 on responding before reading others!. Especially if I am having a hard time trying to understand the meaning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most of the time I answer first then read and edit if necessary!. Occassionally I will read the answers first, but if I do that, I tend not to post an answer at all!. I guess I'm just fickle!.
edit: At 5:48 in Georgia, my vocabulary is about to revert to that of the typical southern redneck, who put 2 syllables in 3 letter words!.
Ten = te'yun
actually in most 1 syllable words regardless of letter count!.
tha'ree = three
fo'wur = four
And a true southerner had to have named ohio, who else could have put three syllables in a 4 letter word!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I try not to read the responses first!. If my response is similar to that of another's, so much the better!. Once I post my response, I read the others!. Sometimes, I go back and edit my response after I have done so--but not often, since a response to the responder is considered chatting by the Yahoo royalty!. Enough responding, it is 4:00 AM in NY and my vocabulary tends to go into a state of entropy this early!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I usually read the responses!. If I feel like something they are saying is completely wrong/bad, I'll mention it without being obvious that I'm talking about them!.

And if someone has already said what I was thinking, I'll agree with them and add on!. If you feel like you're being a parrot, then just don't answer!. Give that person a thumbs up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I always read the responses first to see if mine will bring something "different to the table"!. if I find someone has posted what I wanted to say, but I wanted the person to know I had seen their post!. I would write some thing like "I'm with !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. on this one" and give that person a thumbs up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If I feel that I have something to offer that no one else has said, or feel that I could say it better, then I'll say something!.

Otherwise, just a few thumbs up and thumbs down if the info is just plain wrong!.


Yes I do that too but I think "way cool" (er I mean) "how quirky" that someone else should think like me!. Nice!.

No parrot, not even a budgie!. You can always edit I guess if you feel threatened by Bird Flu!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read the question, form some basis for a response and then read the other answers to make sure I'm not just repeating what someone else already said :)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If there are only one or two responses I may take a look at them!. Usually I just answer the question based on my opinions, nobody else's!.Www@QuestionHome@Com