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Position:Home>Poetry> What do you thihk of this poem?

Question: What do you thihk of this poem!?
In return

An interstate love song
Playing in the wind
And dancing in sunlight
Which is ending in again
Is like an idea
Where the areas in things
Are metered
Ending in the return incredible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"An interstate love song / Playing in the wind / And dancing in the sunlight" !.!.!.!.those are great images!. It gives the reader the feeling of riding the open rode with the top down, the sun on your face and the wind in your hair!. Great!

For lines 4 and 5!.!.!.is there perhaps a typo in there!?
"And dancing in sunlight / Which is ending" together they make for a very dramatic effect!.!.!., but if your intent is to use "When is ending in again!.!.!." then that only leaves me feeling confused!.

The use of a preposition in the beginning of line 5 is also confusing!. Not quite sure where you're going with it!. Or thinking it's a typo!.

"Where the areas in things / Are metered / Ending in the return incredible" appears to be an excellent play on words to this reader!. The use of the word "metered" is being used to indicate the need to "measure" the "area in things" such as life, self worth, personal awareness!.!.!.all these things (and perhaps more) once realized can bring about an "incredible return!."

The sense of carefree abandonment shown in the opening lines also indicates the "return incredible" from living life to it's fullest and seeking to enjoy the gifts of nature!.

This took a while to grasp!. And sometimes it takes a few readings to see the value and worth of a poem!. Thanks for sharing your gift!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As I have come to expect of you, your poem is both dynamic and imaginative!. Your vivid images bring the thoughts to life!. I love the last line!. It is somewhat enigmatic but also very thought provoking and beautiful!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not quite sure what you're trying to say here!.

answer please



what does it mean and whats the meaning behind itWww@QuestionHome@Com