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Position:Home>Poetry> I need help with writng a sonnet for school tommorow.?

Question: I need help with writng a sonnet for school tommorow!.!?
I have to write a sonnet for school tommorow!. I have an idea- My bride!. but I have no idea how to start writing!. It has to be an english (shakespearian) sonnet!. I want to describe the brides feature and all!. Please help if you have and ideaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Break the first 12 lines into 3 groups of 4!. One set dealing with the nerves leading up to the day!. The next the preparations ( Dress/Old New Borrowed cliches etc)
The third dealing with expectancy for the shared life thereafter, then summarise in the final couplet, with the hopes for the future!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Though life has shown me many gifts,
only one could make me smile,
the sight of thrifts,
adorning you as you sauntered down the aisle,
I never knew this before,
and I'll never know it again,
I love you more and more,
each day I wish for you and then,
when all is said and done,
and we are finally wed,
and after all our fun,
I'll take you into bed,
and there we'll sleep so sound,
as our wonderous dreams are found!.Www@QuestionHome@Com