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Position:Home>Poetry> Can you help me with these questions about the Beowulf Poem?

Question: Can you help me with these questions about the Beowulf Poem!?
1!. ?In what two countries does the poem take place!?

2!. ?Who is the king of the Geats at the beginning of the poem!?

3!. ?Which king of the Danes is left virtually powerless after the attacks of Grendel!?

4!. ?Why do the Danes fear Grendel so much!?

5!. ?What building is constructed by the king as a symbol of the glorious victories of the Danes over their enemies!?

6!. ?Who comes to the rescue of the Danes and King Hrothgar!?

7!. ?Why does Beowulf decide to help Hrothgar!?

8!. ?What is Grendel's fatal mistake when fighting Beowulf!?

9!. ?After the defeat of Grendel, what do the warriors come from far and wide to see hanging on the great hall's wall!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
These are all pretty basic questions about the plot-- you could probably find the answers online with just a simple google search!. BUT--- I definitely think you should read it!:) Think about it-- it's actually kind of funny!. What could be worse than Grendel!? Grendel's mother!! (it brings to mind my ex-boyfriend's mother, lol!.) Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The poem is on the internet!. The fact that Grendel had a mother surprised me a bit!. Don't know why!.Www@QuestionHome@Com