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Position:Home>Poetry> To my virtual family: is this an expression of real or virtual love?

Question: To my virtual family: is this an expression of real or virtual love!?
Reinventing Time and Space
by Elaine P

You and I
are motes of light,
orbiting each other,
in a virtual world,
imagining Eternity!.

You and I
are bright photons,
dancing in the ether,
enlightening the darkness
with poetic words and music!.

You and I
will not know death,
but will live until entropy
absorbs our poetry
to reinvent the Universe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Do you still love old Granny, even when she is picky-picky!?

Loved this!.!.!.!.even though I had to consult my Webster's dictionary for 'entropy'!.!.!.!.and having read the definition, I still don't know what it means!.

What a mind-blowing idea - that the universe could be recreated from the words of poets!. It's a big responsibility!.
I shall have to watch what I write in future!. Conversely, just think, we could be just figments of the imagination of other beings far away in space!.!.!.who enjoy watching us squirm!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think this is an expression of real love!.!.!.I think all feelings of love are real!. This poem is my new favorite of yours!.!.!.I love the imagery in the second stanza!. "Dancing in the ether"!.!.!.what a beautiful phrase!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The thought is amazing to the soul, isn't it!
Your poem of thoughts do transfer, over the air waves, where souls touch!. Lovely, up lifting words Elaine!.
Puts me in mind of the writings of ; James Redfield!.

One of my days of epiphany happened in the Physics classroom, when I first understood the difference between the terms 'coherent' and 'diffused!.'

This is quite coherent!. RBWww@QuestionHome@Com

Dear Elaine, I have not yet decided whether virtual love existed or not!. But I do know that your poem expresses real feelings!. I love "imagining Eternity"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This freaked me out a little!.!.!.last night I dreamed of orbs of light, which I knew in my heart were spirits!.!.!.I woke up thinking: "I hope all my loved ones are alright!."
Virtual or real, that goes for all of you too!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your words extrude love from all corners, and quite real also!. Poetry reinventing the universe is fitting, since my universe is recreated each time I read a lovely poem such as this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's both, and both are real on some level!. I love quantum physics oriented poetry!. This is excellent work Elaine!. Compact and stunning! My definite favorite from you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

something gets somewhere by Love!.
its from a real mind!.

reminding, Love's job likes to show up everywhere!.!.!.

Feels so honored to be a part of your virtual family!. Or am i!? hehehe!.!.!.!. This poem is celestially wonderful! =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love the imagery and the message and the form has elegance and style!. I don't think there's a word out of place; yes good stuff!.
Keep writing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You and all poets have already created new universes!. Robert Heinlein spoke of another elementary particle!.!.!.the ficton!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There you go again inspiring me, now i have to go an write something!. I am never going to get any work done!.
That was beautiful Elaine!. Thank you for sharingWww@QuestionHome@Com

I especially like the impact our poetry has on the Universe!. It must influence it - some way, somehow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Emoting with motes!? You keep coming back to the matrix! lol

Well said!.Www@QuestionHome@Com