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Position:Home>Poetry> I have another poem. what do you think honestly?

Question: I have another poem!. what do you think honestly!?
Everytime you look into my eyes I know its all a lie!.
Our love the good times
It's just an excuse to get to me
You've taken my ability to love and to be loved

Was the mission to disable me physically and mentally!?
I can bare the agony no longer
One drink and a little taste of remorse will take me to a place where I can become numb

Every breath i breathe you
I dream you
I see you
Why can't I let go!?
What is it that draws me to you!?
The touch of your hand, or the goosebumps you give me!?
Is it passion or desire!?

I can be crippled by lies any longer
Release me, Free me, Kill meWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I usually try to comment on the things that need work first!. So here it is!. The structure was a little lacking in one spot!. But that really isn't a problem!. The overall Poem what tremendously wonderful!. It had good wording, emotion, and basically VERY good stucture!. Keep them coming!. You could make it in the literature world!Www@QuestionHome@Com