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Position:Home>Poetry> Can you guess his name?

Question: Can you guess his name!?
A man in a burgundy trench
walking up hollow streets
Raindrops making drumbeats
He tips his hat to all he meets

Holding in a secret
he fears too few should know
as he travels through the town
something hunts the ebb and flow

An eye for every detail
an ear for any tell tale sound
All his mind seems like the rain fall
crashing worthless on the ground

but on he walks into the twilight
his depth of wisdom never shown
for these wanderers surrounding him
of his presence never know

His name’s not know to many
his story is not grand
If the smallest child should meet him
even they could comprehend

The wisdom of the ages
he caries on his brow
but the knowledge of the youthful
will be his comfort now

And can any guess his name!?

I want to see how many different comments I get here!.!.!. who can come up with a name for this old man!.!.!. or is he young!?

Tell me what you think of the poem too please!.!.!.

Blessed be, SirenWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
its amazing siren

father time and saint nick!. most dont thinkl father time and "santa" are the samebut how else has santa survived!.

thats why the travlers and wanders didn't know him but the young child did!. as we get older we stop beleaving!. as a young child we beleave and know things we dont know as adults!. a child doesn't need proof!.

anywere close!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes i truely think its father time to
your peace of work is amazing iys fulfilling loving and true
is there a way the world could be like this is it anyway

thnx for posting this it makes me thinkWww@QuestionHome@Com

I need another hint - lol!. The poem is intriguing from start to finish!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What man would wear a burgundy trench coat, the Scarlet Pimpernel!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Father Time!.

I thoroughly enjoyed your work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I couldn't even if you told me!. Can you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com