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Question: Poems- need opinion!?
Im 11 and kind of a poet, I wrote a couple and tell me which is best and how to write different!. Im a big girl, I can handle tough advice or critasism!.

You dont know how it feels
to be somewhere that doesnt seem real
to be where no one thinks you belong
just because you dont tag along
with the things you hate to do
you dont know how it feels

good person
bad person
who am I
it seems like a part of me is well
im missing my personality
im missing my rationality
im losing my mind
because nobody is kind
im losing my head
I feel better off dead
who am i!?!?

dangerous world
what is wrong with the world!?
people dont care
always stare
people stopped beleiving
people stopped succeeding
nobody seems to have control
nobody seems to share
nobody is good
left in the world

shooting star
shooting star
goes oh so far
I make a wish
and it come true
good old shooting star!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Very nice poem, you remind me when I started to write poems (I'm only 12 right now, I started when I was 11 too!) Your structure is really good, and I really dig the theme!. But your poem still has that young voice (which is good in some cases, I still have that once in a while), you want to make your poems lose that voice as you become a better poet (unless you want to write a different style of poetry, which is a whole another story)!. I really do like the beginning, it's my favorite part of the poem!. Every stanza in your poem starts out strong and slowly fades away, which is amazing for your age, because it adds a whole new level of reality to it!. I really do want to read more poems by you on this site!.

If you don't mind would you read my poem and give an opinion (don't be harsh, I'm only 12 :) ) http://answers!.yahoo!.com/question/index;!.!.!.

This is good!. 11, are you sure!? You certainly have a way with words that portray your growth into the adult world!. !.!.!. and not just your growth, but all who pass into the teenage years of confusion!.

Keep writing -- and save everything you write!

wow, its pretty good!. i cant believe you're 11!.
you have a way with words!.!.!.
keep writing, and save everything, cuz sometimes you can look back and make alot of things better later on!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have 4 separate poems here - right!? Each stanza can stand by itself!. Very good job for one so young - you have a great talent!. Your emotion expression is well defined!. Keep up the good work!. ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good job, babe!

Is this all one poem!? It seems like there are two eperate ones!. Huh!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Poetry is something very personal to each author, what they mean to the writer is not always what someone reading them will see!. The majority of the poetry in this question is very dark and typical of the confusion that preteens, and teens feel!. I am glad that you have this medium to express and deal with your emotional issues in!. Your grasp of what poetry is, is as it should be, simply your emotions in words!.!.!.!.rhyming or not!. Keep with it and as the person before me suggested, keep all of your work and don't ever stop writing!. The power of words is phenomenal when it comes to helping us purge our woes, and should never be underestimated!. Good work!!Www@QuestionHome@Com