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Position:Home>Poetry> Why do people not comment more on poetry?

Question: Why do people not comment more on poetry!?
I was just curious because I am new to showing my work on yahoo answers!. I know most poems on here are not the greatest but I have also seen some pretty good stuff!. It seems there are some people that have a good deal of comments and then some people may get 2!. I really want to get my work out there and see what people think but it seems no one really posts comments!? Is there like a group of people on here that everyone just knows and comments on them!? Is there something that sets a poem apart that makes you want to comment!? Is there a time of day that gets more comments!? I have tried going to Open MICS in San diego but so far it has been pretty pitiful trying to find good ones so on here seems like the only place to get stuff noticed (Since there are some select people on here that actually do know what they are talking about!. ) I wont put all my stuff up here because i dont trust alot of people on here but every now and then it would be nice to get some comments

ANy advice!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hello -

I am somewhat new here; these are my thoughts!.

It seems best to post around noon GMT or, secondarily, nine pm GMT!. Not to sound financial about it, but it seems there is a distinct American morning session and another American evening session!.

I am personally more inclined to open a work if I recognise the author's alias, or if somebody whose comments I respect has already commented on it!. This definitely leads to comments being unevenly distributed, and some works never getting `discovered!.'

I don't think anybody trolls for posts with a lot of stars, but there are some commentators whose stars are influential, and this is the only way a question is likely to be read, say, beyond 18 hours past its initial posting!.

I personally don't understand free verse very well!. I agree that sometimes it sounds pretentious, but it also seems that the set of poetic devices and rhetorical strategies has changed a great deal since, I would say, World War II!. I was taught that good poetry is foremost good prose: not necessarily naturalistic prose, but perhaps prose that is harmonious and well balanced!. This is really no longer true, and as a reader, I feel very lucky when I can get over that, and understand a more recent poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm new here, so I can't very accurately answer your question!. I posted a poem, and, so far, nothing!. I'm not too sure what it is!. Maybe no one has seen it!? I know I haven't seen anything that you've posted!. At least, I don't think I have!. Just keep working on the poetry!. As long as you are pleased, nothing else should matter, anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

some topics are more popular than others

a lot of people would rather answer a question in the polls and surveys section, or the section about friends or something like that!.!.!.because its not as deep and meaningful

i guess thats just the way things are!. im at school and sometimes i try posting stuff in the homework help section, and i normally dont get any answers!. its because no one wants to look at questions in topics like thatWww@QuestionHome@Com

i agree totally with summer!.

the career section is like that too!.

but anyway, do you like mine!? its my first, just wondering if its somewhat ok

I think most people who come on here are way more interested in GETTING feedback than GIVING feedback!. You know!?

Most people would rather hear what other people think than give their own opinion, which takes more work!.

Meh!. My opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First off, you are in San Diego!. To me, it is like the apathy capital of the world!. :) That might work as a handicap against you!. Then, people get weirded out in general when they have to comment on something where they might not get the metaphor or point of it!. I blame California public education for this, I don't think Californian's get education to analyze and discuss or even write poetry, like all arts and humanities don't exist in the public realm, so that's strike two!. Three, some people just don't like poetry, they think it is pretentious no matter what you do!.

I'm a creative writing major, so I enjoy writing for a profession and leisurely!. I am not originally from San Diego, but I do see free writing groups here and there I thought might inspire me!.!.!.San Diego makes me really uninspired!.!.!.it's a bit too hot for me and too beachy casual!. Maybe the sun burns out those brain cells that creativity springs from!. :) Of course, smoking probably does that too, sadly, destroys the Muse!.

But wait, you meant HERE!. I don't know, probably short attention spans!. It is the internet!. Face to face works better when critiquing I find!. I post poetry on blogs sometimes, but I find the shorter the poem and less complex, the more comments, like if I write a simple haiku, more people will comment then a longer poem with heavy-laced metaphors and deeper personal meaning!.

I personally would meet up at a poetry night and hear you read!. It would be fun!. Maybe I could bring some stuff too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The thing about the poetry section there is a lot of rubbish to get through, people build rapports some might call then cliques, however, it not personal, it's like i tend to only answer poetry questions from my contacts, Ive "proved" them so i know the standard to expect and visa versa!.

So the first thing you need to look at is your contact list!. Look for poets who's style you like and add them

you can help your poems by giving them tittles that way they stand out and people know ahead what type of poem their looking at!.

and most importantly, if someone critiques your work, DO NOT GO OFF ON ONE!. That on here poetry suicide!. That said there's a difference between someone giving you constructive criticism and someone turning round and saying "that's crap" again when your critiquing don't fall into that trap!.

Remember if you disrespect someone contact not only will that person block or ignore you, chances are, all their contacts will as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A lot of the people here on yahoo are not here to critique poetry!. They want to answer general knowledge questions or topics that they know about!.

Most of the people here are not poets, don't normally read poetry, haven't studied poetry and just don't know how to be helpful for you!.

I would suggest finding a website, group or forum that is just for critiquing poetry and creative writing, or join your local writers centre!.

If you really are serious about your poems you need to show them to people who know what they are talking about!.

I also find that one of the best ways to improve poetry is to read lots of poetry!. Read the classic stuff as well as the poems that appear in today's poetry journals!. Get some recent books of poetry out of the library and / or award winning collections!.

You could also find a book, or take a class to study the structure of rhyming poetry, if that is what you want to write!. They can be online or in person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its the title most of all, like a first line in a story the reader HAS to be hooked!. So if your title is interesting then more people are gonna check it out! And yes there are some people that only answer there contacts !?'s!.
So its kinda hard at first but when I got on here for my first time I got a bunch of answers(encouraging I would say lol)
I'm just surprised every one has put up with my 'poetry' for so long=P!.(no, really I'm not that bad)
And again you will find alot of people on here are real published poets so don't go puttin any one down!. So alls you have to do is answer alot of !?'s and get to know people on here and your answers will build up to more then just 2=)

P!.S!. GOOD MORNING!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com