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Position:Home>Poetry> Do you sometimes point to a poem and say, "You are really silly."?

Question: Do you sometimes point to a poem and say, "You are really silly!."!?
I’m gonna’ tell you a story
With color and excitement…
Except, now my dang pen won’t write!
I scribbled on the gas bill a bunch
But it still won’t go!

I put it in the trash, not the gas bill, the pen,
I have more in the cup…oh crap!
Knocked on the floor!

All my pens and rubber bands
And those big black binders,
…in case I write something large!.

There’s a blue one…
That crazy thing wrote write either!
Next! Trash!

A red one! Not for my poems!

My silly green pen
Not in the daytime…

The only thing that writes is my Sharpie
So this poem will be big and blotchy
Are you ready!?
Here we go:

“Sun, big orange ball,
Tree, tip top tall,
Pond water cooler,
And me very small!.”

It’s not good, huh!? I blame
the Sharpie!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Haha, sometimes I look at certain contacts of mine and think "you are really silly!"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. I look at what I've written and say:

"You are very silly, disturbed, odd, etc"

I wrote a poem last night that had a line about a toy poodle!.!.!.and it isn't light hearted!.

Thanks for the humorous look into your process!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What fun, I enjoy the nonsense too! I have more pens and pencils then I shall ever use!. Thanks for the morning smile on my face!. As another rain storm is coming up in skies as if
it is night! at 9:00 A!.M!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This made me laugh and I really needed that! All that exasperation for your little poem within a poem! That IS silly, but also very very funny!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very rarely - do we take in account - the amount of preparation needed - to fulfill a short task!. ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Absolutely the Sharpie's fault!. Laughing with my third cup of coffee since 5:00 AM!. The thinking reed is never small!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're always good for a laugh!

The beginning of this tugs at my memory!. Have I read it before!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

you ate something weird last night!?

Oh I love it!. And I needed a good laugh this early in the morning!. Oh my it's not "early" anymore!.
