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Question: Reasons poetry!?
just a simple question
why do you write poetry!?
the most interesting story, the better explained gets the 10 points!
just curious
if you ask i tell you my reasons!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would like to know why you ask!. This is a good question!. Its a shame there isn't a better answer!. I couldn't not write poetry if I tried!. If you tied me hand and foot and kept writing material from me the poems would still come and I would be organizing, revising, editing them in my head!. Words are my bread, meat, and desert and the real joy in life comes from those occasional lines that work just right, maybe on the tenth try, but it finally comes together and says exactly what I wanted to say!. There is no other feeling like that!. Why poetry!? Why breathe!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

well once a highly sensitive persone fall in love !.!.!.!.everything turns into poetry
here is why i write:
Writting ,not knowing what to write !.!.!.
my mind is closed , my words did flee
my pen is having with papers a fight,
refusing to speak about you and me
I'll leave my papers clean and white
and allow these lines empty to be
I'm taking my thoughts in a flight
where no one but you can find or see
my papers would be made of light
I'll bring my ink from the purest sea
I'll write your name on the sky of night
with stars that sparkle as jewelry
I'll tell the universe about my knight
who cut my chains and set me free
before my language was dark and tight
with him my speech is poetry !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

each poem I write depicts my life at the time I write it
my achievements, my love, hopes and dreams, my fears, my losses,feelings and state of mind
A feeling can be expressed so much with words and then remembered to be reminisced and cherished for all time
I find poetry as a sort of diary for my life events
When I write it for others I find it a release of my feelings and enjoy giving someone close a poem to brighten up their day and make them feel special and loved, and as I have written it down for them then they can always look at it to remember how I feel
how about you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

WEll i started writing when one of my old friends came to visit!. He told me that i looked kind of sad so one night i decided to write one to see what it looked like!. The next day he read it and looked at me with the strangest look anyone has ever given me and said "WOW!." So that is why i started writing more and more and now i do it a lot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I write poetry because sometimes I can't stop the words from flowing in my head!. And the only way to release them is to write them on paper!. And then once they are there, I can not stop myself from rearranging and adding or deleting until I have a finished poem!. Finishing a poem gives me a great feeling like "wow, this came out of me!" It is art, a form of expression and oftentimes an emotional journey!. It is a way to be heard!. I write poetry because I must!.

When did I start writing!? At about 10 I started to write, it was an outlet for me from a poor childhood!. I stopped writing in my teen years, and just started again (this time taking it more seriously) about 4 months ago or so (I am 22!.)

I find that it is easier for me to write when I have strong feelings about something!. Whether something upset me, intrigued me, etc!. I usually can not write when I sit down and try!. But when I least expect it, the words start popping in!. I love that feeling! It is such a natural high and I can not get to a piece of paper or computer fast enough! Post your work here, even if you think it is bad!.!.!.we will help you critique it and make it the best it can be!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i guess for me there is no real reason, or meaning!. its just something that makes me happy and at the same time makes me fee whole!. idk, i guess to some ppl its just pretty words, no meaning at all!. but when i write something every word has to be in depth with meaning wether it would be sorrow, remorse, happiness, loneliness, or just something to painful to explain!. when i write it makes me feel an emotional release and at the same time feeling of accomplishment!. i started writing when i was twelve, because i felt really sad and alone, and i remember listening to one of my favorite bands at the time and listening to the lyrics!. and immediatly all these ideas for a poem would come in my head and i just had to write them down!. and it also gives you a sense of identity, in knowing that your work is truely a reflection of you, and the way you think!. XD its sort of like a look into yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was inspired in earlier days by Sappho!. I was a fan of Shakespeare and the more well-known poets since before then, but I think it was Sappho and her words that truly inspired me and made me realize the awesome power of simple words strewn together as art!. I mean, a painting is just 3 different colours put together in a way that lets us glimpse something beautiful, or sad, or even horrific!. That's kind of how poetry is, but instead of having 3 colours to use, we have 26 -- the different letters of our alphabet!.

One would think, at first, that words can only do so much!. It's not true!. Words can do anything -- even simple words arranged together in a brief piece!

Like this, one of my favourite pieces by Sappho:

It's no use
Mother dear, I
can't finish my
You may
blame Aphrodite

soft as she is

she has almost
killed me with
love for that boy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One time, not when I first read or wrote poetry, but when asked to write it during a lesson for handing in at the end, we were told one of the vital aspects to good poetry was that it was a story but with comparatively so little said it was somehow a miracle it even existed at all, like a rare catch - and that our attempts should be first a story we wished to tell, then with a careful application of choice and refining - the result would at least aspire towards such a miracle, hopefully the pick of the lot really would astound us all!.!.!.!.!.
I think people write poetry to say it simply yet powerfully with the essence of the matter, or to draw from the subject in this way because it [poetry] pertains to the essence and so any attempt is to make a connection just like that!.!.!.!.
Poetry is like a unique accent on vocabulary and literature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com