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Position:Home>Poetry> Do you feel like I do ?

Question: Do you feel like I do !?
Just Like Me

You think you’re special not like the rest
Listen closely as I am here to attest
You’re just another plebe taking up space
All as equals mere rats in the race

Look in the phone book pick any name
It doesn’t matter which they’re all the same
All alike no difference will you find
Trying to get ahead while falling behind

Malleable forms of Carbon-14
Tainted gray matter no one is pristine
Seas of humanity covering the earth
Angrily trying to take their share worth

Nine to fivers doing just as they are told
Each has a price to be bought or sold
A tug of war of turds to get what they need
Each victimized by their own blind greed

But wait I am special you’re not like me
How lost and ignorant can you truly be
The truth awaits you look in the mirror
Stare a little harder now is it clearer

You’re just a visitor passing through
Open up your eyes and get a clue
About as unique as a leaf on a tree
Pay attention now you’re just like meWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I can from time to time see that image!. What separates!? Soul! Hope! Faith! and Love! All of which society tries to take from us!. That's why it so important to win that war!. Be different! Stand from the crowd and show your inter spirit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Welcome to puberty!.!.!.

Every teenager goes through the same feelings!.

Been there; Done that!


Are you christian!?


Both negative and positive at the same time!.

Hhhhhmmm!. Interesting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


The scansion needs a bit polishing, but it's good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds good but some of the syllables need tidying up!.
Really good poem though!.
