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Question: Any quotes!?
Okay I need some quotes about the followinq topic!.

Lets say She is in love with a guy but the guy is only making her a 2nd option!. And shes thru with all of it!. That she gives up!.

Originality might get BEST answer!. Depends if i like it!. =]

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I believe that everything happens for a reason!.
People change so that you can learn to let go,
Things go wrong so that you can appreciate
Them when they’re right, you believe lies so you
Eventually learn to trust no one but yourself!.
and sometimes thing fall apart so better
things could fall together!. - Marilyn Monroe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Disclaimer: I'm not replying here to be rude!. I'm simply stating the obvious and hopefully much good will come from this and you'll be able to come up with an original way of saying what you want to say yourself!.

Honestly, it's really hard to give you an original suggestion here because the subject you're talking about has already been covered by thousands of poets and thousands of song writers!. Just listen to the countless number of Pop, Rock, R&B and country songs that have come out during the 50s, 60s and 70s, on through the music being recorded today!. And think of all the movies that have already covered this subject!.

The subject has pretty much been run into the ground and if you want to write about this subject in any way that is original you'll do better to write it in your own unique voice, using your own unique language to create images in a way that haven't been used many times before!.

Could I write such a poem!? Probably!. But it would be my poem, using my poetic 'voice!.' The only way it will be original is if it comes through your creative voice as a poet!.

Try it!. I'm pretty sure you have the abilities to do so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here are some-

She spends too much time thinking about
the things that will never happen and
dressing up for the boy who will never care

Maybe i'm a joker!.
Maybe i'm a fool in your eyes!.
Maybe i'm the weak one!.
Maybe i'm a lie in disguise!.
Maybe i'm angry cause i'm the one who's always wrong!.
Maybe i'm not the one who's so strong

So Maybe One Day, You'll Look Back & You'll Think About Me The Same Way I Thought About YouWww@QuestionHome@Com

i can sell a quote to you! your inability does give birth to your pride that poisons your baby! pride will never pay! so what will she get!?Www@QuestionHome@Com