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Question: A political philosophy poem: Care to share your thoughts!?
The law of Freedom -

Firstly, I write this solemn plee,
a word to those who gait so free!.
Twas, love that slave,
and hate that gave
segregation to thy and thee!.

With labor dominion is dealt,
thus with thine own fingers soil is felt!.
The prudent ones govern
with rules of sovereign,
they shall uphold us with our own wealth!.

Order shall not pass,
if order be thy mass!.
Let all thy people concur,
that freedom is ours to earn,
We shall be driven on with crass!.

Two sides stand across in match:
Freedom and law, let not alone snach!.
No one here shall live a lawless life,
or live in lawful strife,
if they do we shall act!.

Justice is made by law!.
One does not rule self, but is ruled by all!.
Lastly, I write this solemn plee,
to laws we shall live free,
and broad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Thus and then -- I wonder -- with thine own fingers you have connection!.

segregation to thy and thee
segregation to ME and thee !?!?!? perhaps

Stanza 3 -- freedom is earned -- well said!
I am not sure about crass; yet the stupidity and obtuse do seem to rule!.

Stanza 4 -- really puts the lawless in their place -- well done!

Love stanza 5; is broad the way we Americans want to spread freedom around the world!? Whatever, it gives me the sense that Justice must prevail around the world for it to work!.

Excellent poem!.


What can i say, it's quite clearly written!.
"Here, here, cheers, cheers"!. ; )Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's pretty good!. Peace!Www@QuestionHome@Com