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Position:Home>Poetry> Can sommeone tell me what is the message or the purpose of this "Cello poem

Question: Can sommeone tell me what is the message or the purpose of this "Cello poem" pleace!? By Georgia!?
To tell you the truth i never wanted to be a cello!.
When i was wood i had my own song!.

What do you think the frist stanza stanza!?
How could the complaint of the cello be summedup to a single sentence!? what is the cello before lit became a cello!? How can "wood" have its own song!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you are going to ask how can wood have its own song, why not ask how a Cello can complain!? I believe it represents somebody turning into something that they never wanted to be, that when they had no true form was when they were themselves!. They are being played, they are being led, it's what a Cello is!. An instrument!. They don't want to be an instrument!. They want to be what they were before they were an instrument!. They want to be true!.!.!.!.it's almost like a regret!. A reminiscence on what they had and who they were!. And maybe this person is relating it to a cello because they feel like an object!.Www@QuestionHome@Com