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Position:Home>Poetry> The Glass? another little poem for you to consider?

Question: The Glass!? another little poem for you to consider!?
the optimist says-
that glass is half full!.
the pessimist says-
half empty!.
the grateful one says-
why worry how much!? it's clear that we have plenty!.

the simplist says-
there's more glass than we need!.
the economist says-
pour more!.
the snotty one says-
speaking of this water truly is a bore!.

The artist says-
look at the pretty water!.
The pacifist says-
that water can be shared!.
The alcoholic says-
if it's only water, honestly, then who cares!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is so true and so funny!. I love it!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com