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Question: Walls Within Walls!. (What Do You Think!?)!?
Walls Within Walls

For most of us
the construction began in early childhood,
an intuitive defense mechanism,
to cope with being deemed too short or too tall,
too bright or too dim, too cute or too plain, too
large or too small!.

Tools of the trade,
employed by parents, siblings and playmates,
were both inherited and fabricated,
as the need arose, mandated to install
protective foundations, yet unnamed as our
walls within walls!.

With only a
few brave souls strong enough to venture beyond
the barriers, the construction continued
for the rest of us as defined social cures
required to justify perceived shortcomings
in our structures!.

Must we follow
those who conceived the earliest prototypes,
commissioned blueprints, dictated the dogmas
that stifled the light!? Or should we embrace flaws
in the perfectly imperfect so we might
tare down the walls!?

(I finished this late last night, the first new poem I've written in months!. What do you think!?)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This has such depth and truth!. While i was reading it, I was instinctively applying my own experiences to the message and was profoundly affected!. The uplifting insight in the last stanza nearly brought me to tears!. No, of course I shouldn't allow those who constructed the walls around me to continue to isolate me!.!.!.!.I am a perfectly imperfect human being and should dare to be so!. This is a wonderful poem!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like the poem, but before anyone tears down any walls!.!.!. they need to know what they are looking for, and be well prepared for the unexpected!.
When the barriers have been removed,!.!.!.
And more obstacles yet found:
Will we keep "our shoulders to the task!?"
Will we stop and rest!?
Have we met our own soul's demands!?
Or have we just begun to rip away the paper
And a plaster chip or two!
Will we seek experts to work with us!?
I am no expert!
Are you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

that was truly and honestly inspiring!Www@QuestionHome@Com