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Question: Need poems!!?
I need several poems about a Lost of a friendship!. & they can apologize because they hold grudges!.
and poems about How a guy broke a girls heart, and he keeps making her think its going to work, but he has other chicks on the sides!.
Quotes will work!.
Dont say nothing stupid!.
I'd search buh im at work and they block websites because of profanity and all of BS!. Which suks, the one with the best will receive BEST answer =]!. Thanks!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What our friendship meant to me
like a god given gift
you were always there for me when I was down
when my spirit needed a lift

we dont realize what we had until its lost
swallow your pride, just aplogize
and please stay on my side
then you are the most important person in my life

I hope you understand the pain you caused me
and that you have broken my heart
the day that you realize that
we can have a fresh startWww@QuestionHome@Com

Loss of a friendship:
Friendships become lost
when bitter feelings get tossed
This happens when people don't communicate
as a result they both terminate
going their separate ways
No one stays
In a relationship
or friendship
This occurs when there is a lack of trust
to keep things going this is a must!.
When one person cheats
they will have to take the heat
Sooner or later when they realize
they will have to apologize
This means coming from the heart
or the consequences will be they will be apart
If they are mature they will admit
as who was to fault!.
The behavior is acting like a fool
and this is not cool!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


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