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Position:Home>Poetry> Want to read a poem about some happy-go-lucky feelings?

Question: Want to read a poem about some happy-go-lucky feelings!?
Who the funk am I!?
I am stuck; I've forgotten myself!.
Credit score is high!?!
I think I've already shot myself!

I don't know who the funk I am any more!.
Maybe I should cut myself some more;
Maybe I would have more spasms on the floor!.

I'm really not quite sure;
What is it that I want to do!?
It's really not right, sir;
The type of things that whoever I am have put me through!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
its depressing!.!.!.be happy, smile a bit!. lifes too short to sulkWww@QuestionHome@Com