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Position:Home>Poetry> What in the world am i thinking!?

Question: What in the world am i thinking!!?
122!. silly things

a daily moment
two worlds now
without and within
without so without
so introverted
what can i say!?
what can i know!?
what else have i!?
i imagine that i see
from this narrow window
checking myself again
now it’s my trauma
when i will break … again
a foggy shroud thickens
i’m a vessel cast off
drifting in stillness
writing of nothing
thinking in miscalculations
i am unable
to command your presence
slowly deeper within
knowing and unknowing
a shadow now a whisper
fare thee well
for i shall not remember
i am thinking only
silly thingsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Musings upon a window ledge!?
Daydreaming while at work!?
Remembering but not remembering a dream!?

A nice introspective look at nothing but one's thoughts wandering is how I read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How do you do it!? Stream of consciousness, which is what this is, is so hard to do!.!.!.!.I can imagine you staring out the window with your mind pondering and wandering - and then you being able to get the end result down on paper!.

It is so sad, too!.!.!.!.!.!.silly it is not!. We all live two lives, the within and the without - but most people find a balance between the two which allows them to live happily!. You seem still to be looking for that balance!.

This is a fine piece of poetry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you were thinking really deep, emotional thoughts i guess!. this poem gets to me man, it makes me think of the situation i'm living in!. being totally separated from a person i really love, and i miss them so much i feel like i'm going crazy! i dont know if thatz the situation you wrote this about but anywayz awesome job!Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is a deeply moving poem about someone who has been traumatized, who seems to be winding ever more inside themselves almost to the point of madness!. Every line seems carefully thought out and meaningful!. I feel there is a desperate sense of invisibility in some of the images!. Very powerful and sad!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com