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Question: What do you think!? Bitter Pale Blue!?
Bitter Pale Blue

Bitter blue, forever you, eternal is your guise,
psychotic in thought, produces a scoff, she burn a hole inside of our eyes!.

Blind and alone, searching for tones, evidence that we exist,
not just a dream, conjured unseen, a story made by one to persist!.

You search for meaning, a twinkle can reveal what's true,
a star to illuminate the way, a guiding hand against the blue!.
the gathering lights uncover such frights, but forever blinded are you,
The ignorance of a young heart, fooled into believing the untrue!.

The starlight of a once loved one, stuck forever chaotic inside you,
bitter pale blue, made things askew, robbed forever will be her sight too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I love this poem!. It something i can definitely relate too!. Although i could not find the words to write it!. But you sure did it beautifully!.

Well done!.

This is quite intriguing and enigmatic!. I especially love the second stanza- it is both meaningful and beautiful!. I imagine this to be a poem about a failed love that makes you question life altogether, that is "stuck forever chaotic inside of you"!. That has depth and makes me think!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A bit dark but very graphic and good word imagery!. I do like it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

O_O That's SO good!
It's totally one of my new favorite poems!Www@QuestionHome@Com