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Position:Home>Poetry> Do you like these lyrics? They're kinda cheesy, so be brutal!!!!?

Question: Do you like these lyrics!? They're kinda cheesy, so be brutal!!!!!?
I dream of death and a lousy funeral
Everyone's asking "What has happened here!?"
Life is wasted on the rich and beautiful
So come on, come on!. Come on, come on!.

What has happened her!?
Where has my life gone!?
You have dissapeared
It's been so long
SInce our last kiss
Since our last touch
I want you to know
I miss you so much

They're not completely done, but I don't really think that it follows a good theme or something!. Kinda stupid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think its amazing! I love the first part =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

The first part doesn't exactly go along with the second part!. I would leave the first part completely out (as it is a little morbid) and use the second part as a start of a good love song!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They are pretty good XD !.!.!. sounds kind of like a rock song which would be cool!.!.!. the second part didn't really go with the first part though but its goodWww@QuestionHome@Com

When you put it to rhythm, there's almost too many words

It doesn't really make sense, the first and second verse!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I Think it's cool! and kinda funny (for me)Www@QuestionHome@Com