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Position:Home>Poetry> Care to take a poll?

Question: Care to take a poll!?
Ruminations on polling, it was a 99!.25% probability that someone was going to "ruminate"!. Plus or minus 5%!

Poll this!

So pollster…!.my friend
What did we ever do before you!?
How did we know when to be,
when to live, when to wed, when
to have child, when everything…
Do I make love tonight or next year!?
Am I a whitey tightie or boxer type guy!?
Can I die when I am eighty five
or will that mess another fine poll!?
And, while we are talking…
just who are these people you poll!?
Where do they live!?
How come I don’t know anyone polled!?
Secrets you say, can’t tell…well
please call, I promise nothing but truth!
I will be honest, forthright, a true blue number!.
but I will hold a finger in salute,
it’s the one right after pinkie!
Poll that!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Poll this!!!
heheheheheeeeeee!.!.!.!.!.what a fine, snappy, sassy way to wake up the dark closets here!!!!
Atta boy!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I found the anatomical arrangement of your manual digits to be confusing!. I myself would use the one in the middle!. But I don't have six fingers on each hand!.
Your poem reminded me of the triplets from Prague!. One was a border guard, the second a telephone linesman, and the third did market research!. The first one checked Poles, the second one checked poles, and the third polled Czechs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The one you are looking for is next to the ring finger, two over from said, "pinkie"!.!.!.

I like to simultaneously hold up both the third digit and the ring finger, signifying "F you and somebody who looks like you!"Www@QuestionHome@Com

it does seem to be silly way to waste ones time!. there must be another way!.!.!.mmmm perhaps we could stare at a computer screen and have fun making sport of our own obsessions by asking YQuestions!. We are a curious species!.!.!.like dogs sniffing!.!.sniffing at the ( tales) of others!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's nice!!! I like it alot!!It's like a Hip Hop song!!Have a nice day dude!!Www@QuestionHome@Com


I LIKE IT!! very catchy! or poemy!. whatever rhyming is called!.!.!.or is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do looove this! what can I say, you said it all! Bravo!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yup, you said it all !!! Enough of this dictatorship!. I raise my finger along with yours!. GM to you, fellow rebel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com