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Position:Home>Poetry> 5-7-5 written in English by a sophomore on the subject. Is it poetic?

Question: 5-7-5 written in English by a sophomore on the subject!. Is it poetic!?
She weeps as she dreams
Tears roll down the sleeping cheeks
Unreal sorrow


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
don't feel bad TD, I read 'real' with two syllables too!. I do that with many words!. Anyhow, it's very nice!. I like the concept of 'Unreal sorrow' because that's pretty much what it is!. I've had dreams like this and awoke very sad or very mad for no reason other than that was the emotion I experienced in my dream!. Very perceptive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

short two syllables and in haiku the use of both tears an weeping would be redundant!. Nature is missing!. This is probably an English Senyru however Senyru is traditionally satirical, political or humorous which is why humans and urban life are allowed in the form!. the message is great! crocodile tears but not!. It is definitely poetic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fractured sleep guilt toss
Turned out by haunting image
Found poetic peace

Eyes glisten in sleep
Wakens to search new meaning
Sees hope in fukus

Shortly back to bed
Feeling calmer more restful
Thanks TD et al!

"Fukus save the World"
!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Full story in the news at 6

3!.52am AU timeWww@QuestionHome@Com

I have awakened in tears many times, so this has even more effect on me!. Though the sorrow is dreamstate and unreal (2 syllables, of course), it is still heartwrenching!. Yes, this is every word poetic, and I love it!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, the last line only has four syllables in it, so it is not a Haiku in the strictest sense!. But it is poetry and a good poem with a wry sense of humor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a 5-7-4!. Not a Haiku, not a Fuku, probably a Senryu!. It is poetic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Unreal!? Unreally!? Good argument for how it rolls off your tongue but Webster says two!. Does it matter though!? This is well said 4 or 5 beats long!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Show me that Haiku that you do so well!. Haiku (haiku), haiku (haiku) haiku haiku all day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's boring!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

LoL 5-7-4

ur poem is 5-7-4
it should be 5-7-5Www@QuestionHome@Com