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Position:Home>Poetry> Do you ever feel like you're possessed when you write?

Question: Do you ever feel like you're possessed when you write!?
I often feel like I'm just taking down dictation when I write my fanfiction!. I'll get a piece done and look at it and be totally amazed I wrote it!. It's like I'm channeling someone else!. Does anyone else feel the same!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Definitely!. I really only write at work( on the water ) and when it comes it's like!.!.!.!.(sorry) vomit!. There is no stopping it!. I get my ammo from life and at home so I pretty much have thought it through in my head!. And then!.!.it comes out!.
I've only been writing 6 or so years, but I often feel that I am speaking for others!.
Sadly, I only seem to like a few but I do keep it all!. Thanks T!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dont worry gurl!. Sometimes, I write because it helps me!. Not mental or anything!. I'm actually smart!. I'm talking about when you feel that when you write a piece, you feel as if your looking at a piece someone else wrote!. Exactly how you feel right!? Well, anyway you look at it and wonder did I write this!. Is this actually about me!? Am I actually writing something, something that's about me!? Trust me gurl, some people have gone there!. don't worry your not the only one who has!. And it's not a bad thing either!. Trust me!. I have had that feeling millions of times!. i know this may sound GEEKY but trust me, I'm not geeky!. dont wanna be!. But I write all the time so it expresses my feelings!. srry i've said enough!. Hope that this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When I at first sit down to write,
a poem, in the dead of night
I very seldom have a clue
of what to write or about who,
the poem itself will be about
will it be quiet, will it shout!.
to all the world, a genius writes
or will it be considered tripe!.

I suppose then for consistency
I should write in batches of three,
One of despair and suicide
one where I am joyous inside
and one of love so passionate
about some bloke and his mate,
and by his mate I mean her
not some pommie shirtlifter!.

And when at last I finish my tome
I sit back in my chair at home!.
Browsing through the interweb
poets fine that are long dead
And serious poems from poets who
unwisely put questions on Yahoo!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Absolutely!. From my posts here and on my blog, you'd never know I can write pretty well, but I have done OK!. I sometimes feel as if I am "in a zone" similar to what people describe when they are in a trancendental meditative state!. It's as if I "wake up" to find what I have written!. This is the best stuff, and I wind up changing very little of it!. Otherwise, I over-edit to the point it's not my work anymore!. Oddly, and I just now realized this, my writing is less like me when I'm writing while not "in the zone'!.


I write quite a lot,I actually find myself becoming the character that I am writing about,and become so enthralled in my Stories I forget the real World for a while!. That In Itself Is a Bonus!Www@QuestionHome@Com

oh yeah! that means you are doing what you are supposed to do!. you are inspired!. I know when it's ME writing it!.!.!.it sucks!.!.!.but if i pick up a pen and get a flash and start writing quickly!.!.!.then i know its good!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, it's very easy for me to become consumed by stories I write!. It's only natural because you are creating your own little world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I do often feel this way!. It's weird when I look back at things I wrote months or years ago that aren't still fresh in my memory and I see my name on the paper and I think "I wrote that!!?"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually yeah, I have felt that way on numerous occasions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, I used to feel like that when I first started writing!.!.!.I don't feel that anymore though, damn writer's block!. Peace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com



Yes, I channel weird people from ancient times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com