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Question: Have you read this ancient love song!?
This is from an ancient Egyptian osrtacon (a shard from a broken earthenware vessel of some kind)!. The date is sometime around 1500 BC!. The translation is by John L!. Foster, from his book “Love Songs of the Ancient Kingdom” 1969!.

Love, how I'd love to slip down to the pond,
bathe with you close by on the bank!.
Just for you I'd wear my new Memphis swimsuit,
made of sheer linen, fit for a queen—
Come see how it looks in the water!

Couldn't I coax you to wade in with me!?
Let the cool creep slowly around us!?
Then I'd dive deep down
and come up for you dripping,

Let you fill your eyes
with the little red fish that I'd catch!.
And I'd say, standing there tall in the shallows:
Look at my fish, love,

how it lies in my hand, How my fingers caress it,
slip down its sides!.!.!.

But then I'd say softer,

eyes bright with your seeing:
A gift, love!. No words!.
Come closer and
look, it's all me!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Tanx for posting this!. It's passionate; isn't it!?!
It's nice to know that our great great great!.!.!.etc!.!.!.grand!.!.!.emmm!.!.!. !.!.!.ancestors (that's the one!) got "jiggy" too!.!.!.!

Broke my shyte laughing (trans: laughed heartily) at Elaine and "This was some large shard!"!.!.!.
Nice one E!.
Beaut!. !.!.!.emmm!.!.!.awes!. !.!.!.emmm!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is flat!.
The translation of a poem sometimes destroys it!.
In this case, it seems that dear Mr!. Foster tried to give the poem a little more than it originally had!.
Translation of words does not equal translation of feeling or attitude and I feel that this is a bad translation of a good poem or a good translation of a bad poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I haven't read ostracons of Ancient Egyptian poetry for a long while, so I'm a little rusty!. I assume that Mr Foster's translation is faithful to the original!. If that is so, this might possibly be the origin of that wonderful Mediterranean dish - clams stuffed with pike!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I knew the ancient Egyptians were familiar with Memphis, having beaten Elvis to it by several thousand years, but was not aware that they had swimsuits!.

I always thought they just sort of went natural in the Nile!. Do any known examples of the Memphis swimsuit exist!? Perhaps in the British Museum or some similar place!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Intriguing!. It is more openly erotic than I would expect, and I like that !. I love the touches of color, the dripping linen which would show everything for her lover to feast his eyes upon!.

Beautiful!. Thanks for sharing it!.

I haven't read that before, but it is ________ (insert word Elaine has banned us from for the day!.) This is a book I would be interested in reading, did you get it online or at a certain bookstore!?

All I can find online is "Love Songs of the New Kingdom"Www@QuestionHome@Com

This was some large shard! You are going to make me crazy!. A real poem in which you fool around; reading this I wasn't sure if you or I had turned schizo!! Anyone who can write a meaningless poem in such a wonderful way is probably more schizo than I am!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"my new Memphis swimsuit"!? It is the only thing I don't like about this translation, because "swimsuit" is too modern!.

Apart from this, it is like reading the Song of Songs!. Very close!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I feel inspired again, however, it just shows that then as now we are still driven by the same lust and desires!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


That's hot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well honestly i like reading your fresh poems better TD!.
but this has poetic interest and special historic sensuality i guess!.
its the old fish trick!.!. lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

it has been years since I 've had fish! That was inciteful !.!.!. I want that book!. Foster Huh!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is an erotic and romantic poem!. It makes me want to read it again!. And so I shall!. Thank you for sharing your find!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


i like it alot !.!.
thank you for giving me the chance to read itWww@QuestionHome@Com