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Position:Home>Poetry> We Sat---how does this poem sound?

Question: We Sat---how does this poem sound!?
We Sat
by MK Boparai

We sat and made fire from stone
We rolled logs in water
Browning said animals are baser
We killed them when we did not
Call them base!.!. When we probably called them

Today we call them and save them from
Today we have learnt to dissect
Ourselves and animals and plants and earth
We are already dissecting the universe too
Bleeding the higher power

To drink its quintessence
We are quivering
With moths with our mouths open
Facing the dissected heaven
Waiting for its essence to enter us
Dissected hurt quintessence to give us renaissanceWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I like this!.!.!.I like the line about dissecting the universe!. I really love the message here!.!.!.good job!!Www@QuestionHome@Com