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Position:Home>Poetry> Acrostic; Truth doesn't make a noise, do you like my Poem?

Question: Acrostic; Truth doesn't make a noise, do you like my Poem!?
Truth doesn't make a noise!.

The grave
Reveals my only
Here you will lie, but not your soul

Did you think not to repent!?
Or do you think you understand!?
Engaging speech, serves you well
Sounding bell
Not given to light
Terrified of Hell

Master of your own destiny!?
Arrive in your own time!?
Kill the prophets
Eat the evidence


Not remembering, that with
One more breath
I shall be waiting
Sleep well,
Enjoy your rest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
To make a loud noise that is heard around the world -- that is a compliment!. This is universal and so rich with possibilities and probabilities that each reader will unravel a different mystery with each reading!.


Now I understand why several people have asked me not to "explain" the poem in my added notes -- it is not needed!. After the poem closes, then the additional information would be all right, but now you are directing the readers -- just exactly as I have done in some of my own works!.

This could be posted in R & S with you detail note asking for comments from that group as well!.

This is good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I cannot decide whether this is a eulogy or an epiphany!?

The grave
Reveals my only
Here you will lie, but not your soul < this pratrays a religious connotation>

Did you think not to repent!?
Or do you think you understand!?
Engaging speech, serves you well
Sounding bell
Not given to light
Terrified of Hell < I hear a little doubt in these words>

Master of your own destiny!?
Arrive in your own time!?
Kill the prophets
Eat the evidence < is this the epiphany>

Not remembering, that with
One more breath
I shall be waiting
Sleep well,
Enjoy your rest < sentiment, emotional imagery but as a link to the rest, confusion>

it is in itself a beautiful piece of work and please accept my appologies if I have misinterpreted the meaning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dearest Gid, poetry is often about mystery, but I have to wonder what truth has to do with this!? Is there a secret that the protagonist (because certainly this poem has one) knows!? Could we have a hint of it!? It is good!. I'm not suggesting it isn't!. I would just like a little tiny bit more, even one word!. I am curious!. At the rate you are cranking these out, are you OK!? Do you sleep!? Inspiration comes in doses, some pretty large!. But wow, you are really in the groove!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Brilliant - you make it all seem so effortless - the sun is shining almost every day here in middle England, so I have been neglecting poetry for the garden and long country walks!.
When it gets dull again (and it will) I shall be back int he saddle - using you as my spur (no pun intended)Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow its really good and deep! i feel something when i read this poem!. its really good! ENTER it in a writing competition, seriously dude! you could earn some extra money, or at least some fame in a newspaper, helps applying to jobs/ college!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thank you!. This is perfect for the seventh month anniversary since my brothers death!. The poem is deep and dark enough for my mood!. It's beautiful, Gideon!. As always!Www@QuestionHome@Com

First verse makes some sense but subsequent verses don't tell any thing about the topic!.what really are you talking about!?TRUTH!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very good makes you think of some serious issues in life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't like politicians!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very uplifting Gideon!. Thank youWww@QuestionHome@Com

:[ It's good but you just brought me down, pal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds good, sounds deep!.

Sound like a eulogy for a loved one!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like the poetic form, but the content confuses me!. Who is the narrator!? To whom is the narrator speaking!? "I shall be waiting," -- the narrator is "I" but who is it!? Has the other person died or is he dying!? To what does "Kill the prophets/Eat the evidence refer!? Sorry, Gideon, this one is out of my league!.

EDIT: This poem would be perfect for a group of people who had been discussing the subject, or maybe for a Bible study class!. The discussion or the class could end with a reading of this poem, or maybe the students could be asked to write a poem (if they wanted to)!. I don't believe in assigning poetry to students, but I would like them to have a opportunity to read their poetry if they would like to do so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com