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Question: I need a title for my poem and opinions!?
Moving fast to the beat
Listening to the sounds of the drum
and the thump of my heart
breathing hard, sweat rolling down
Just dancing here, waiting to be found
Beautiful with every move
Somethings old, somethings new
A goddess of dance and rhythm
Beginning again and again and again
Energy never ending
The music dies down
but her mind still races
the adrenaline rush
is what she lives for!.

let me know what you think and also, a title you think would work for it!. thanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
NO! don't change the way you worded it! that in itself is technique!

I like it!.!.its very interesting!.!.!.like a glimpse into a mysterious world of dance, beauty and devotion!


the dance goddess

within adrenaline

If you could write that, i'm sure you can come up with a title!.!.think of what its about!.!.!.what does this mean to you!? and thats your title!. I can't tell the artist about her masterpeice! You tell me! all I know is my own canvas, in my own world!.!.!.I no nothing of dance either! good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Goddess of the Dance" has a nice ring to it :)

Regarding the poem itself, you say, "my heart", but "is what she lives for"!.!.!.is it "you" or "someone else!?" Make it consistent, whichever way you go (e!.g!. "her heart" or "what I live for")!. also, it should be "some things old, some things new"!.!.!."somethings" is the plural of "something", which is not the same as "some thing"!.!.!.you could also say, "something old, something new"!.

!.!.!.good images!.!.!.keep writingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Never Ending Dance

Solitude DancingWww@QuestionHome@Com

its ok but i would name it The Dancing GoddessWww@QuestionHome@Com