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Question: Would you be frightened!?
Whoopee in the Storm
by Elaine P

thunder, lightening,
torrents of rain!.

Whoopee jumps off the bed,
cries in fear, "Mom, please,
come under the bed with me!."

The purring machine
has been shut down
for the night!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Lightning!? or is the thunder 'lightening'!? - could be, I guess!.
I know what you are thinking!.!.!.!.Granny never lets me get away with anything, well, that is what Grannies are for!.

I love the last verse - you made me chuckleWww@QuestionHome@Com

Poor little whoopee!. I'm not afraid of storms, but my big ol' 11yr old boxer/pit mix named Buddy has always been terrified of them!. I suspect he may have been caught in a storm before my husband adopted him!. He cries like a big baby and runs for cover at the first sound of thunder!. He's scarred our bedroom door by trying to get in when there is a storm at night!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Aww, poor Whoopee! I love the last stanza!.!.!."the purring machine!." My Leo isn't afraid of storms, he actually sits by the window and takes it all in! But my 85 pounds black lab, on the other hand, finds the smallest place to crawl into and whimpers throughout the whole storm!Www@QuestionHome@Com

When I was little I lived in Chicago, which gets some pretty spectacular thunderstorms!. I was deathly afraid of them until my father (God rest his soul) sat me in front of a window during one and kept me calm as he told me what was happening!.

I have never been afraid of one since!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh i loved this poem so much as i am a cat lover all the way!.Matter a fact i call my cat beans the meowing machine !.She really is a scary cat but i always hug her till she calms down !.This made me smile as i can see you and whoopee sitting closely till the storm stops!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Reminded me of my cat - who used to sleep, curled up, right next to my ear!. Talk about a purring machine!. The purr would put me to sleep and let me know - that things were fine - all night long!. Thanks for the memory! ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The purring machine! I love it! Aside from the cat, We're getting quite used to hearing those sounds on a daily basis!. It kinda sucks!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Cats are smart, plus they like their dust kitties that hide under beds!. I prefer a second pillow, get both ears covered! Nicely said!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I'd be frightened!. I'd run for under the bed!. Whoopee is one smart cat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the most amazing of natures common sounds!.
lol!.!.poor puddy tat!.!.
but if your kats hair starts raising from the static,

Leon hates the boomers!. Felix has no clue!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
