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Position:Home>Poetry> Encouraging poem for those who seem lost?

Question: Encouraging poem for those who seem lost!?
I wrote this poem during a time in my life when I wasn't sure who I was spiritually or mentally!. And it has helped me become who I am today!. Tell me how ya like it!. :-)

I sit in my room being depressed about problems in my life that make me stressed
Often I become self absorbed, wondering why I was even born
Never once crossing my mind that others are worse off than me
Having no food to eat
But its not material things that bothers my world
It has to do with my soul
My heart feels like it has a huge hole
Something missing and i'm sitting here wishing I knew what it was
It seems the devil has mixed up my thoughts
Before I turned 18 I knew about God
I stuck by His Word and filled my head with His thoughts
I had morals, standards, and commandments to keep
Now I just follow the crowd, and it makes me feel so cowardly
I used to think I was the perfect example for the human race
Now I feel like all the others and that is the thing I cannot deny
I know I am here for a!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I can relate to this post completely!. I was brought up in a religious home, and when I started to study more into philosophical issues about the universe my world became somewhat pointless, and I felt more alone!. Now I'm learning to deal with the reality, and my life!. I certainly do not consider those to be pointless, as I hope you do not either!. I like this poem because it is very open and true!. This poetry tells about your experience, your life, and that is always fascinating to everyone!. It is more like a diary entry than a poem!.
also, I agree with the above answer some rhymes are stressed!.
I give this poem a
Reality stricken 6!.7Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not too bad, though it seems like you tried rhyming a bit too much, remember that poetry doesn't have to rhyme!.

Your poem also reminded me of a favorite quote: "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there!." -George Harrison!.

Thanks for sharing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I sometimes think it is more difficult to keep the prose-y effect out of freeform poetry than it should be!.

It is a very good poem!. I'd try to make the lines more uniform, but that is simply a personal choice!.

Your words ring out!

Very good and encouraging poem my friend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com