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Position:Home>Poetry> What are your thoughts on my poem?

Question: What are your thoughts on my poem!?
Floating further into summer,
Trying to find what is yours,
A twitter of a bird, a flutter of wings,
Down through the trees an angel will sing,
Wish upon a cloud,
That pretty landscape was the one we vowed,
Would complement the skies,
The sepia skies, that wowed!.

Then through the forest dance some indecent things,
Scaring the children,
With their spider web wings!.
They caused the suicide of my mind,
With their haunted smiles,
The ones that corrupted, and
The ones that stretched on for miles!.

So this was for the final word,
The ballad, that chirped so eloquently like a bird,
The letter placed,
When the end was near,
Those undying stars were ours to fear!.

And the summer sonnet played in the backdrop,
It sung;

Oh, How I love the summer,
and all that it brings,
Asphyxiating the darkness,
Whisking it away on wings!.

I'm fourteen years old and I love language and I adore writing! I took a break from my story to write this poem niggling at the back of my mind!.

Thoughts, Comments!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You have some very nice phrases and your use of language is impressive for someone of your age!. The poem itself is a mixed bag, and I think you probably know that, but it still provided you a way to try out new images and allowed you to flex your language skills!. You could probably write five or six poems from some of the images you included in this one, so I'd suggest you keep this one around for future inspiration!. I can see a future poet in this poem!.!.!.keep experimenting, allow your voice to grow and your thoughts to focus!.!.!.avoid end stopped rhymes and allow the rhymed word to appear natural and not so forced!.!.!.make them sound almost accidental!. The fact that you love writing comes across in your poem and if you keep writing, and studying other poets (Plath is a good place to start), you'll develop into an outstanding poet!.

!.!.!.keep writingWww@QuestionHome@Com

wow do you have any favourite poets!? your is really good!. ive wriitten poetry of my own but it is no way as good as yours!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

VERY impressive!.!.
my idea of a poem would be something about death or an acrostic poem!.!.
i would rate this as 6/5Www@QuestionHome@Com