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Position:Home>Poetry> Something I wrote for a friend's family loss.?

Question: Something I wrote for a friend's family loss!.!?
I wrote something for my friend that recently lost her nephew!. He was only 13 months old!. Does this sound offensive or rude in any way!?

I miss you so much
Knowing that you are not here
I don't know how much longer
I can hold back all the tears

It just doesn't seem fair
Him taking you from me
As much as it hurts
That's how it should be

You're at your final home
Heaven's all around
Smiling faces are everywhere
No sight of a single frown

You're in the arms of Jesus
And you are watching over me
You are blessed that He choose you
And that's how it should be

Your memory will live on
Deep within my heart
I will always love you
No matter how far apart we are

One day we will meet again
The day He chooses me
And we will be together
The way that it should be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What a wonderful way to remember
the person who died
by writing in a poem!.
I find nothing offensive about this
death is something that occurs everyday
and its beyond our control!.

Coping with death
Everyday someone will die
when this occurs its okay to cry
everything is a mess
when something like this occurs it is a stress
It is a sad event
for this you couldnt have prevented
For grieving there is no right or wrong way
but I will say
Going through something like this is very real
and it may take years to healWww@QuestionHome@Com

It does not sound offensive or rude!. Unless read to someone who does not understand the superstitious concepts of religion!. I doubt you will meet anyone like that!. For its merit as a poem it is very much allright too!. A simple easy to read piece!.

It is very pretty!. I believe they will like and appreciate it!. Your friends know you and your love for God!. Give it!. Don't hold back as I once did!. My friends never knew I thought enough of them to write a poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think this is a pretty good poem in my opinion!. just make sure that whoever your giving it to is a religious person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it is very good!. It is so hard to lose a love one and most of all a child!.


its a nice way of saying u care for his nephew!. or her!.!.idk!.!.but its sweet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If they believe in Jesus, yes it is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com