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Position:Home>Poetry> Help me finish my limerick poem!!?

Question: Help me finish my limerick poem!!!?
Any good limericks for this!?

There was a young boy named ______
Whome nothing could ever _________
'Til at lunch he did_______
And we all heard a _______
But I won't tell you where the________!

thank you sooo much !!
(if u helped)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There was a young boy named Nice Tim
Whom nothing could ever surprise him
'Til at lunch he did slip
And we all heard a rip
But I won't tell you where his girl iced him!Www@QuestionHome@Com

There was a young boy named: "Clyde"
For whom nothing could ever be: "fried!."
'Til at lunch he did: "a la carte"
And then we all heard a: "shart"
But I won't tell you "how hard he cried!."

Ok, that's stupid, lol!

Well good luck anyway! =)Www@QuestionHome@Com