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Question: Is this a funny poem!?
Dizzy Dezy Theater Presents :
"The Great Math Escape"
Save me!
My pants are falling
My butt is showing
I'm in the middle of class
And I can't leave!.
I'm going to be arrested
For indecent exposer;
For inciting a riot
Granny panties be damned
I'm running from the police!.
They try to catch me but can't
shoving donuts in their mouth!.
Being logical they take the stairs
trying to cut me off!.
But the "hamstervator" is slower
than the speed of smell!.
Five minutes later
I stop on the second floor
I run into the bathroom
Jump out the second floor window
and land on my feet 'cause !.!.!.
I'm cool like that
Running to the parking garage
They're waiting on the first floor!.
But it's too late
I'm already gone!.

Author's Note: "Hamstervator" is a term my friend uses !. She says that the elevator is slow because it is run by two hamster!. The story begins in my math class on the third floor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Although I would have loved it if it rhymed this is absolute genius and made me and my friend laugh much!.!.!.

I always enjoy your Dezion Wit!.!.!. Keep them coming, I feel lost without your poems sometimes!Www@QuestionHome@Com

As an American who doesn't really care about America that much, I find that insulting, Kya!. I'm sure that every once in awhile, one of "your people" drops their pants, whether on purpose or not!. also, I spell doughnut the correct way, thank you very much!. I say Maths too(my teacher finds this a bit odd)!.

I do like the poem, it is quite funny!. Your friend sounds like a riot!. My friends are like that too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is a nice story but I can't see where you can call it a poem!.
Maybe I am just too old to understand, but isn't a poem supposed to rhyme!?
And besides, the cops in my neighborhood don't eat donuts, they prefer biscuits and gravy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I think it is!. I like how the short quick lines are so descriptive and sharp!. Hamstervator---LOL!!! Makes me think of 2 hamsters running on their wheels which would power the elevator to go up and down!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love the line
"I'am cool like that"

made me chuckle


yeaa!!! good one!!!

u made me laugh a little!.!.!.!.!.D:D:D:DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Kinda yes and no!. It sounds more like lines a stand-up comedian would use!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's funny, but not laugh-out-loud funny, probably because you used terms that only you and your friend will understand!. It's a bit like an inside joke being explained to an outsider for the first time!. also, it's not really a fantastic poem - although it's funny, it's not amazingly well written!. But that wasn't what you were going for, so it fits its purpose well!.
One tip: it's 'indecent exposure' not 'exposer' :P

And I presume you're American due to your use of 'Math' and 'donut' instead of 'Maths' and 'doughnut'!? Honestly, people in our schools never drop their pants in class!.!.!.

Good job overall :)Www@QuestionHome@Com