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Position:Home>Poetry> Whats your favourite poem by you and by another?

Question: Whats your favourite poem by you and by another!?
interested in mostly nature poems, please post your favourite poem either bu you or poets!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Dream the dreams of restful slumber
As you lie upon your bed
Blissful fancies without number
Dancing !.!.!.

Dancing through your head

Dream the dreams you long to live in
Never sorrow, never pain
Only never-ending blessings
Thoughts unblemished by a stain

Dream the dreams of wish fulfillment
Where the prize fair goes to the best
Once safe in your peaceful visions

Wake to find it all in jest!.

Copyright ? 2008 Kate WolffWww@QuestionHome@Com

Here is one of my favorites -- when centered, it is a sand timer, when left justified, it is the handle bars of his bike -- he is a biker I lost contact with along the way:

Dark Knight
Copyright ? 2000 Victoria Tarrani!. All rights reserved!.

He calls himself Dark Knight
bearer of the new moon
twin of the shadows
when daylight
has lost its
I call
of Mystery,
seeker of my secret
self with stories untold,
beyond the places I can ever go!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One of my favorite "nature" poems is by William Butler Yeats, entitled "The Lake Isle of Innisfree"!. You can find it here
