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Question: Poem help 10 points!?
write a 10 line poem about something that is important to youWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You turned my darkness to light,
You made everything all right,
If I didn't have you,what would I be!?
A blessing is what you are to me!.
If I didn't have you,what would I be!?
A treasure is what you are to me!.
If I didn't have you, what would it be!?
A precious gift is what you are to me!.
If I didn't have you, what will my life would be!?
A bestfriend is what you are to me!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i look into a mirror
and i see her staring back
at me, willing me to
carry on her legacy
and not sit at
that mirror,
looking at the past
and getting
in the hourglass sandWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's wet
And clear
And calorie-less
I drink
And bathe
And pee it!.
This masterful
Piece of nature we'd all be carrion!.
It's Water!!!

That was only slightly sarcastic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com