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Position:Home>Poetry> Getting into songwriting..?

Question: Getting into songwriting!.!.!?
Wrote this in about 30 minutes!.!. Need some feedback on it!. What do you like, what don't you like, and what should be changed!? Thanks!.

"I feel the same every day
I wish I didn't live this way
I think everything is turning gray
It all stays the same, no matter what I say

I think I'm reaching the end
I've never really followed the trend
So is there anything left to defend!?
When that's not here, I feel my head bend

Do you ever ask yourself why!?
Have you really ever even tried!?
Have you even had to say goodbye!?
Have you ever wondered what it's like to die!?


Where's the good side!?
All I need is you
If I want to stay alive
And everything I say is true

I just hope you can believe
That I'll always be here to stay
I know exactly what we both need
Watching you from far, fading away

Fading away
You have to stay
You can't go away
No, not this day

Counting down
Thinking of my love for you
Look what I've found
A few words that will keep you around"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
beautiful!. if it came from your heart!.!.!.!.you need to change nothing!.!.!.!.thats what music is about!.!.!.!.expressing yourself!.!.!.!.if you like it!.!.!.!.it's perfect!. and i'm sure alot of people can relate!. music is also about taking your life, and telling the world all about it!. if people understand where you're coming from!.!.!.it makes them feel better about their situation!.!.!.and it brings people close and helps them overcome their problems!.!.!.because they know they're not alone!.!.!.!.!.keep dreaming and work hard!.!.!.!.!.you'll make it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like the imagery you paint with this, it is certainly lyrical!. what type of genre of music accompaniment are you looking for this piece, and what did you select as your chorus or main theme!? Good Job!Www@QuestionHome@Com