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Position:Home>Poetry> Help with questions on "The good morrow" by John Donne?!?

Question: Help with questions on "The good morrow" by John Donne!?!!?
I need help with this poem-- http://rpo!.library!.utoronto!.ca/poem/655!.!.!.!.

Who is the speaker in this poem!? who is the speaker addressing!? what are his feelings towards this person!?

List the pronouns used in stanza 1, and stanza 2, what is the significance of this change!.

The extended metahpor begins with the line"love!.!.makes one little room an everywhere"
What 2 things are compared!? Why does he make the comparison!.

The metahpor is extended to the last three lines what releated images does he add to extend the comparison, what ideas about love do these images suggest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You really should try to read the poem and answer a few of these questions yourself!.!.!.some of them are very obvious, such as "who is the speaker in this poem" and "who is the speaker addressing"!? The speaker is the poet (Donne) and he is speaking to the love of his life!.!.!.!.which means his feelings are that of eternal love!.!.!.so that answers all the questions in your first paragraph!.

The pronouns in stanza one are "thou" and "I", but stanza two sees this change to "us", signifying that what was once two separate lives are now one unbreakable union!.

The extended metaphor is that no matter where they are, they are everywhere if they are together, or that everywhere does not exist outside of their view of one another!.!.!.a sort of intentional nihilism!. He compares travelers and mapmakers who envision and see a wider world and say that their view is limited by space and time, whereas the view of the lovers knows no bounds and will live forever!. He says in the last lines that the death of one is not the death of both because each exists in the other so long as one of them lives on!.

!.!.!.now write your essay!.Www@QuestionHome@Com