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Position:Home>Poetry> 10 easy points come and get them?

Question: 10 easy points come and get them!?
So here's a challenge!.!.!.
Write a poem with hyperbole/personification
It can have hyperboles and personification/ just hyperboles/ or just personification
I had to help a SECOND grader so just wondering what you guys come up with because mines was horrible!!!

hyperbole is over exaggeration!.!.!."I was so hungry I could have eaten a horse!."
personification: make a non humanly think come alive with human traitsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I Lay

I quietly lay in the forest awaiting your arrival
Under the tree I lay, patient yet anxious
Quietly I lay depending on you to come for my survival

As I lay there under the big Oak tree,
I can't help but think about you
and I ponder if you ever think about me

Longer and longer I lay there
Thinking you've forgotten
And I look around to see all the plants and animals glare

More and more I think that you've failed to remember
So I lay there for eternity
That being my surrender!.

So the next time I have to survive on you,
I certainly know not to- Tayy

hyperbole- So I lay there for eternity

im in 6th grade and wrote this by my self!. what do you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

personification:the wind yelled very loud
Hyperbole:im so hungry i could eat a cowWww@QuestionHome@Com

Death to Yahoo Answers!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com